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There are four types of companies in Turkey as shown below

The Joint-liability company

It is a company established to operate a business under a specific trade name, The liability of any of the shareholders is limited only to the capital subscribed and paid by the shareholders. There is no minimum capital requirement.
All contributors need to be real people. Shareholders’ equity and obligations are determined through the Statutes.
This type of company has to be established by at least one real person or a legal entity and fifty people at the most, and the liability of shareholders is limited to the capital subscribed and paid by the shareholders.
The capital of such company shall be not less than 10,000 Tl minimum for the establishment of the company per person, and 12.500 for two persons.

The limited liability company

This company has to be established by at least one real person or a legal entity and fifty people at the most, and the liability of shareholders is limited to the capital subscribed and paid by the shareholders.
The capital of such company shall be not less than 10,000 Tl minimum for the establishment of the company per person, and 12.500 for two persons.

The Limited partnership corporations

The Limited partnership corporations is a company established to run a business under a specific brand name. As the liability of some shareholders is limited to the capital subscribed and paid by the shareholders (financiers), there are no limits on liability for some shareholders. Only legal entities funded. There is no minimum capital requirement. Shareholders’ equity and obligations determined through the Statutes.

The joint stock company

At least five shareholders are needed to incorporate this company type (Real persons or legal entities), and the requirements for the minimum share capital is 50,000 Tl The management of the company is also foreseen by a board of directors, together with a supervisory board.

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